October 2024

QR codes, something that has come into my awareness only very recently but apparently they have been on the go since 1994!
They were created by the Japanese automotive company Denso Wave to track parts as they moved through an assembly process and became compatible with technological development in 2008.

You will have gathered that my tech side of things is very limited and I was always a bit stubborn when my artist friends encouraged me to use it. I am always a bit hesitant where tech is concerned for two reasons mainly because my brain is not wired that way and it is always a struggle but secondly and equally as important is I want to push back the technology and want to hold on to the more traditional side of things. I am starting to sound like my parents…

I used a QR code for the very first time last month at the Edinburgh Art Fair and I felt proud of myself, it was a big step for me I can assure you! Yes but let’s be clear I did not create the QR code, I had a very helpful person at Scottish Print on Hyndland Street, Glasgow set it up for me.

When I asked people to use the QR code it felt natural for most people but I was excited when people used it so you can tell I will be using it again and again for my website sign up.

Just in case you don’t know what it is (but I am sure you do), it is a scanable barcode that can be used to redirect people to further information such as social media channels, websites or specific landing pages, in my case my website.

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